"Sea Glass Circe", my latest poetry collection has been selected for an official launch as part of the 2020 Toronto LitUp! series of events on February 23, 2020.
I am elated at the news and I would like to acknowledge the gracious support of the Toronto LitUp!, Toronto International Festival of Authors (TIFA) and of the Toronto Arts Council.
Here is the link to the Toronto International Festival of Authors (TIFA) page dedicated to this event:
...and the link to register to this free event for Sunday February 23 at 2 pm. The event will take in place in downtown Toronto at
Textile Museum of Canada
55 Centre Avenue Toronto, ON M5G 2H5
(University Avenue & Dundas, St. Patrick's Station).
The book cover includes a photo of the artwork Neichido by German artist Tatiana Arsénie.
Tatiana is my co-author of Pictopoems of Berlin which appeared in 2018.